Somatic Yoga Pose Hacks

Somatic Yoga Pose Hacks ☆

What The “Hack” Is

Hack the Mind-Muscle feedback loop

Learn how to work with—not against, the somatic nervous system to enhance your optimal strength and flexibility. Somatics offers a unique approach that allows you to unlock newfound flexibility safely and effectively.

Through targeted drills and practices, you and your students can develop a deeper appreciation for those challenging yoga poses you once dreaded.

Transform the way you experience movement, fostering a positive relationship with your body and expanding your capabilities.

Join us as we delve into the world of somatic movement and elevate your teaching to new heights.

Embrace a yoga practice that prioritizes safety and long-term health.

Using Somatic Mobility Drills can change how you understand movement and flexibility. Tap into your body’s natural wisdom, and move away from rigid practices that often cause injuries.

Somatic movement promotes self-awareness and mindfulness, enabling you to listen to your body and make necessary adjustments. This approach boosts flexibility and builds strength in harmony with your body's natural way of moving.

In our Teacher Trainings and Mentorship Labs, we provide you with tools to integrate somatic principles into your personal practice and classes, confidently. Embrace this change to empower both yourself and your students with safe, effective practices.

Let’s end the cycle of injury and nurture growth and healing together.

What you’ll learn

Meet your instructor

Alyson Wish

Somatic Mobility Drills are a revolutionary somatic fitness approach to traditional yoga practices. I created this technique out of a need to help myself, and my students, alleviate muscle and joint pain from years of practicing traditional yoga styles. A bonus you’ll feel immediately in your body is increased flexibility and strength gain.

This immersion teaches you somatic techniques to retrain your brain to release unconscious muscle contraction that prevent you from advancing your practice.


Enroll Now

Enroll Now ☆

Start a somatic mobility yoga practice

This is online course is self-paced.

Do-in-your-own-time from the comfort of your home.

Lifetime access to the course content.

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