Retrain Posture & Performance


Regulate Your Nervous System


Reset Muscle Tension


Relieve Pain


Retrain Posture & Performance 〰️ Regulate Your Nervous System 〰️ Reset Muscle Tension 〰️ Relieve Pain 〰️

Book a 1:1 Private Session

Clinical Somatics Exercise Coach 

Transform your pain, posture, and performance with neuromuscular education self-care exercises.

Somatics by Thomas Hanna is an innovative method for dealing with chronic pain and movement issues. It provides gentle exercises and mind-body techniques to help reset the nervous system and return to natural movement.

Heal your body and gain autonomy so that you can reclaim your life!

Is Clinical Somatic Education for me?

Clinical Somatics serves diverse populations of all ages and fitness levels

Do you fit into these categories?

  • Common painful chronic muscle and joint conditions 

  • High performance roles such as athletes, runners, and dancers

  • Postural imbalances, distortions, and movement limitations

  • Physical compensation from injury or surgery

  • Seek rehabilitation and prevention methods

  • Searching for relief from stress, anxiety and mystery pain

  • Stuck in Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn States due to physical-emotional trauma

Can I combine Clinical Somatics with other therapies?

CSE integrates with other movement practices, therapies, and coaching modalities that you are currently undergoing

A Clinical Somatics Instructor may recommend:

  • Physiotherapy, osteopathy, massage therapy, acupuncture

  • Self-myofascial release, yoga, strength training, meditation

  • Talk therapy to address issues related to bodily pain such as counselling, psychotherapy, life coaching and somatic inquiry

  • Advice from a medical professional to pursue a diagnosis and treatment for medical conditions and prescription of medications

Compliment your regular fitness routines and boost your fitness goals:

  • A 10 to 20-minute daily practice is all you need for significant results in pain, posture, and performance

What is the purpose of a Clinical Somatic Educator?

A Clinical Somatic Educator’s role is to empower students to assess and improve their musculoskeletal functioning

This is achieved through: 

  • Assessment of posture and movement, by both the Somatic Instructor and the student.

  • Exploration of learned muscular patterns through movement and proprioceptive exercises.

  • Retraining of learned muscular patterns using pandiculation, integrative movements, and proprioceptive exercises.

  • Verbal communication with and guidance from the Instructor; touch and visual demonstration are used sparingly to allow students to have their own experience of the movement

What to expect from a Clinical Somatic Exercise Session?

Highly effective, integrative movements for the core and extremities

Clinical Somatics Exercises are a series of gentle movements suitable for all ages and physical abilities.

  1. Exercises are typically done on the floor with a mat or on a rehab table. If the floor or lying down is not accessible, exercises are done seated on a chair.

  2. Exercises are performed extremely slowly, with precision— and require mental focus. 

  3. Breath techniques encourage nervous system regulation— and teach the client how to breathe and move simultaneously.

  4. Minimal hands-on assistance and visual demonstration by the Instructor— ensures that clients can independently execute exercises to effectively retrain movement patterns. 

  5. Exercises are performed with eyes closed to limit sensory information the brain takes in— so that 100% of the focus is on sensory feedback from muscles. 

What is the intention of Clinical Somatic Exercises?

Nervous system re-education

Clinical Somatic Exercises retrain the nervous system to release involuntary muscle tension and relieve pain

Specific exercises work to heal musculoskeletal pathologies by retraining habitual postural and movements patterns that damage your body.

Pain can be caused by many variables such as the unconscious ways you move your body daily! 

Clinical Somatic Coaching Sessions work deeply to change the way you stand, walk, and move through your day so that you can get out of pain, avoid doing more damage to your body– and get on with your life.

How is Clinical Somatic Education (CSE) different from other pain relief modalities?

Clinical Somatics is Active

The key reason why CSE is so effective in creating lasting change in muscle function is that it uses ACTIVE engagement.

Active, conscious movement allows learning to take place in the nervous system and brain.

It is different than other PASSIVE modalities such as massage, where the client is relaxed as a practitioner manipulates their body. This provides short term relief but does not get to the root source of bodily dysfunction.

Get to the Root Source of your Pain with Clinical Somatics

Animals PANDICULATE after a nap!

This instinctive active stretch resets muscle tension in preparation for movement.

SECRET SAUCE to Clinical Somatic Education?

Clinical Somatic Education uses Pandiculation

No other method of pain relief, physical or holistic therapies use this technique

Pandiculation results in lasting release of involuntary muscular contraction because it retrains your brain and nervous system by resetting the gamma feedback loop in your muscles to a resting level of tension.

Pandiculation is not “stretching”

Stretching is passive

Pandiculation is active

Clinical Somatic Exercises are Pandicualtions with an ACTIVE contraction of muscles followed by a SLOW and ACTIVE RELEASE .

What benefits do you get from Clinical Somatic Education?

Clinical Somatic Education retrains unconscious muscle memory— or Sensory Motor Amnesia.

Clinical Somatics is a highly effective method that retrains muscle memory to rewire the learned habitual muscular patterns that keep you stuck in incorrectly shaped posture and movement that causes chronic pain. 

Clinical Somatic Exercises work directly with the nervous system to get to the ROOT SOURCE of your pain to release chronic muscular tension and improve posture with conscious movement.

It is the brain— not muscles, that control muscle tightness.

It is only the brain— not muscles that can return your muscles to a normal resting base level of tension which will restore optimal function.

How many 1:1 Coaching Sessions will I need?

The 1:1 Essential Bundle, over 6-weeks is recommended for best results

After 6-weeks of private sessions with me, you are ready to start a home self-care practice. This means you can continue making progress, relieving pain and improving function without having to book again and again.

What’s included in the 1:1 Essential Bundle?

1:1 Coaching: In-Person or Online includes:

  • Free 15-30mins Consultation

  • Bundle of Six Private Sessions

  • Session 1 is 1-hr 30-mins

  • Sessions 2 to 6 are 1-hr

Receive the material below in your private portal in my online studio, Yoga Somatics

  • Comprehensive audio files of the exercises to practice along with my voice

  • Handouts with descriptions of the exercises you’ve learned

  • Self-Practice Timetable

  • Progress Journalling Pages

  • Lifetime access to all material we’ve covered

After completing the 6-weeks

  • Follow-Up Single Sessions can be booked when you need a refresher, anytime

Put your Self-Care into your own hands


Retrain posture and movement habits = Alleviate chronic pain

Reset muscle tension = Gain muscle, fascia and joint flexibility

Restore physical function = Improve performance in sports, exercise, and daily activities